important to get your basics right. To help you build a strong base and achieve your goals in recruitment in India, here are a few tips from Kaajal Thukral – the person whose life motto is ‘Eat, Sleep, Recruit, Repeat’.
1) Know your targets:
Before you take up a project or begin your day, set your targets. A target for the day, for the month, and for the quarter. All of these will eventually help you in reaching your target for the year. As Thomas Jefferson rightly said, “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”
2) Know the difference:
It’s imperative to be able to tell the difference between an average, a good, and an awesome job. Reaching your minimum goal, in this case 5X, is an average job. That’s what’s expected of you. Reaching 7X is a good job, it’s only a little more than your basic goal. 10X and over on the other hand is an awesome job. You have surpassed your goals and performed immeasurably better than expected. But anything less than a 5X, even a 4.5X, is not a decent job. Putting in minimal effort will not help you get anywhere.
3) Party hard, work harder:
Yes, life’s a party at times. But that doesn’t mean you lose track of what needs to be done. Put your work life before your party life, because without working you won’t be able to party anyway. Set your priorities right and focus on what’s left to be done. Work harder than you think you did yesterday. As you already know, several parties await once a job is well done 😉
4) Know what you’re working on:
Ever randomly boarded a train? I’m guessing no. You find out which train you need to board and enter accordingly. Just like you’re absolutely sure about that, ensure you’re absolutely clear about the industry, requirements, and the process you’re working on. Be very sure about the process – it should be at the tip of your fingers. Knowing the requirements and industry thoroughly will be of immense help when recruiting for a particular position.
5) Don’t be a hero:
When in doubt, ask a senior. One of the main reasons many people don’t succeed is because they don’t talk to their seniors about strategies. Before you begin something new or start using a new method of working, get their opinion too to make sure it’s not something ill-advised. There’s a high possibility it might be tried and tested. Be in constant touch with your seniors to succeed and do well in your career.
6) Be a people person:
When it comes to jobs in recruitment, you’re going to have to be in touch with every department. You might need help from someone from another department or have to coordinate with them regarding a particular requirement. It’s always nice to be on excellent terms with every team. This makes it much easier for people to approach you, or for you to approach them too, making your job easier.
7) Knowledge is power:
Always be up-to-date with everything that’s happening regarding the things you’re working on. Stay in touch with the relevant people and ask for any updates that might directly/indirectly affect your work. This will help you with recruitment as well as account management. Knowledge controls access to opportunity and advancement.
8) No whining:
The biggest rule you need to follow throughout your career has to be “No Whining”. You’re bound to face tough situations and hard times. Overthinking and grumbling about it isn’t going to help at all. The best thing to do at this point is to calm down, start thinking straight. Look for a solution to fix the issue rather than wasting time complaining.
9) Take a leap of faith:
These days it’s a natural thing to sometimes do things that aren’t necessarily a part of our job. An excellent recruiter would not throw his/her arms up and say, “I won’t do this, it’s not my job”. It could be saying something to your client or maybe something originally meant to be done by the CE team. If you’re in a situation where you’re asked to talk sternly with the client, don’t hesitate in doing so. The person asking you to do this has faced this before and would not make you do anything to jeopardize your career/relationship with anyone. Have faith and jump when asked to jump.
10) Understand the business:
Have an understanding of the business of recruitment, how it works. Knowing the impact you’re having when you do a good job or a bad job will massively affect the way you work.
11) Be consistent:
When a new month starts, your account goes back to zero. No, we’re not talking about your bank account. To perform well every month, you need be consistent and give your best every single month. Doing an awesome job one month won’t mean much when you start fresh again. Stay humble and stay consistent!
We hope these 10 tips help you be the best recruiter you can. Good luck!
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell
Want to make a career in recruitment? Send in your resume now to buzz {at) sutrahr.com or call +91 922 229 9274 🙂